Analog Repeaters

 Output   Input  Tone
146.850  146.280  123.0  Linked to "Boredom Breaker" via AllStar
147.270  147.870  123.0
444.9875  449.9875  123.0  Linked to "East Coast Reflector" via AllStar
444.5875  449.5875  123.0  Linked to AllStar, Echolink (KC4NWK) and HamShack Hotline (94175)

Analog on Digital

Analog operation on a DMR Repeater
 Output   Input  Tone
444.8375 449.8375 123.0
146.640 146.040 123.0

GARS Repeaters

Gainesville Amateur Radio Society
 Output   Input  Tone   Use
146.820 146.220 123.0 Primary
146.985 146.385 123.0 Backup
146.685 146.085 123.0 Shared with DMR
146.740 146.140 100.0 Waldo
224.160 222.560 123.0  
444.985 449.985 123.0 SARNet

GARC Repeater

Gator Amateur Radio Club
 Output   Input  Tone   Use
146.910 146.310 123.0

Still the most popular mode....

Even with the tremendous influx of Chinese digital radio (primarily DMR), the conventional analog repeaters are still the most available and easiest to use mode. Sometimes these repeaters will be "linked" to other repeaters to form a wider coverage area or through the internet. Internet "linking" using AllStar or EchoLink is quite common as demonstrated by the 444.9875 repeater in Gainesville.


Some digital repeaters are able to do dual mode,i.e. function as an Analog and a Digital repeater. These repeaters can be configured by the SYSOP as in the 444.8375 DMR repeater. This repeater, when not being used for digital DMR, can be used as a conventional analog repeater. If you program this "analog" channel in your radio, do not forget to set your receiver to the 123.0 PL tone or you will hear the digital burst noise created by the DMR channel.


Check out Repeater Book for more repeaters in Florida.

Inexpensive Radios

With the influx of inexpensive Chinese radios, portable "handheld" dual band (2 meter and 70 cm) radios are available for as inexpensive as $25.