The March spotter training class has been rescheduled for May 28th. More info here.
The March spotter training class has been canceled. More info here.
Another spotter training class coming up for Alachua County. More info here.
Been a while, but NWS-JAX just posted some class dates for Alachua County. More info here.
This action will affect the ACSKYWARN and ACEMWIN email listgroups, locally. We're scrambling to find a new server locaiton to handle the listgroup mail in the time allowed us to continue. More info here.
The National Hurricane Center continues to issue advisories on Tropical Storm Sally. For more information, click here.
More about it here.
So far, so good! Our Facebook posts are still making it out even though many EMWIN sysops across the country have been blocked. But we are unable to explain why. More about it here.
New Facebook security policies blocking weather bulletin postings from EMWIN servers around the world started August 1st. More information can be found HERE.
If you missed the eclipse, we went to Gaston South Carolina and took some videos. You can view them HERE.
There will be a total solar eclipse crossing the nation on August 21st. Gainesville should see an 84% partial. See here for more information...
Just created some wallpaper that will fit on most !uad HD displays. See here for more information...
The new bulletin ingest engine is now up and operating. See here for more.
See here for a list of upcoming online spotter training classes in the NWS-JAX County Warning Area!
Local storm spotter Dr. Steven Robicsek has provided us with yet another stunning weather-related photograph with the University of Florida in the background. Click here! for more info!
The ACEMWIN-HURR-L Hurricane Bulletins Listgroup web site suddenly saw astronomical leaps in hits (on the order of nearly 2000 hits in the week starting 7/16/2013) while the listgroup itself saw also a huge increase in list membership that jumped from 36 users to nearly 400 in that same week - thanks to some recent web publicity help from NOAA. Click here! for more word about it.
We've been learning some new radar and satellite image editing software and are in the process of adding lots of radar and satellite imagery to each storm event. Click here! for more about that.
It could well be the very first photo ever taken within Alachua County of a funnel/tornado.See here for more information!
A common question people are asking of late, especially now that the shuttle
era is over, is whether one can actually see a launch from Gainesville. The
next natural question that goes along WITH it is WHERE you can go to see a
launch. The answer is "yes". You CAN see a launch from Gainesville. See
this page
for some examples of what a launch looks like from here, as well as the answer
as to where to find a good location to view a launch.
We're putting together a compilation of real examples of local area storm
features for local storm spotters to use to help them in identifying things.
If you have anything that you think might make a good addition to the Guide,
please feel free to contact us. If we deem it worthy, we'll add your photos
- with credit to you, of course! Click here to take a look!
see the
A.C. SKYWARN News & Announcements page!