Amateur Radio Digital
Digital ID's
CCS7 (D-Star) 1112020
DMR and P25 3157266
NXDN 26055
DMR Repeater 312558,312812,313061
YSF Fusion Repeater node 11234 room 21234
Cheryl, KK4CNJ
DMR 3157748
Chris, KG4NGR
DMR 3101968
Vickie, KF4LAF
DMR 3170796
General Digital Websites
- D-Star,DMR,C4FM - Reflectors, Talkgroups
- Compare DMR,D-Star,Fusion
- MMDVM Hotspot (DMR,D-Star,C4FM,P25,NXDN)
- What is a Hotspot?
- K4USD DMR Talk Groups
- D-Star Information
- Repeater, Station, Reflectors
D-Star Tutorials
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2
- Tutorial 3
- Tutorial 4
- Tutorial 5
- Tutorial 6
- Tutorial 7
- Tutorial 8
- Tutorial 9
- Tutorial 10
- Introduction to DMR
- Programming DMR
- DMR-How It Works
- How to program a DMR codeplug
- Pi-Star Hotspot for Beginners #1
- Pi-Star Hotspot#2 Fusion Setup
- Pi-Star Hotspot#3 DMR Setup
- Pi-Star Hotspot#4 DMR continued
- Building a Pi-Star Hotspot
- Installing, Programming Hotspots
Yaesu Fusion (C4FM)
- FTM-400DR Demonstration
- APRS on FTM-400
- FTM-400 Mods
- FTM 400D Tips
- Wires-X on FTM-400 and FT-2DR
- WIRES-X Rooms
- GM (Group Monitor) Function
- Using Yaesu Fusion Hotspot
- Using Yaesu Fusion Hotspot
- WiRES-X (Part 1) Everything you wanted to know
- WiRES-X (Part 2) Everything you wanted to know<
- WiRES-X (Part 3) Everything you wanted to know
- How to set up a Reflector
- Yaesu Episode 1-Welcome to the Show
- Yaesu Episode 2-WiRES-X, in's,out's,setup
- Yaesu Episode 3-HRI-200 Setup
- Yaesu Episode 4-WiRES-X PDN
- Yaesu Episode 5-Welcome to 2022
- Yaesu Episode 6-The Interfaces of Radios (10pin,D-sub15)
- Yaesu Episode 7-Programming Yaesu Radios
- Yaesu Episode 8-Setting up a DR-2X
- Yaesu Episode 9-IMRS and the Set-up
- Yaesu Episode 10-IMRS Linking and LAN card config
- Yaesu Episode 11-DG-ID and DP-ID
- HRI-200 Wires-X DR-1X System Fusion Repeater
- Fusion Terms-What they mean
- System Fusion-a Quick Look
- C4FM Call Frequency?
- DR2-X Repeater Series-Part 1
- DR2-X Repeater Series-Part 2
- DR2-X Repeater Series-Part 3
- C4FM Proper Repeater Etiquette
- WiRES-X-STOP Don't Press That Button!
HF Digital Modes
- What is WinLink?
- Introduction to WinLink
- WinLink Gateway Channels
- WinLink for EmComm
- Winlink Digital Mode
- WinLink for Hospital Communications
- How to use forms
- How to use the ICS-213 Form
- Setting up SignaLink USB Sound Card
- Sound Modem TNC for WinLink
- Basic Winlink Training Guide
PSK31 Digital
Icom ID-5100A Tutorials
- Update Repeater List
- Linking Repeaters, D-Rat
- Reflector Use
- Routing,Gateways,Linking
- Demonstration, Review
- D-Rats, Ratflectors, ARES Emcomm
Radio Manuals
Connect Systems CS800D
- oet65 Safety Data
- DX Spotting
- AC6V Reference Guide
- Solar Images
- ARRL Callsign Lookup
- KB4VOL - Bill Britton
- Repeater Builders Website
- Buckmaster Callsign Lookup
- Antenna Handbook
- Ham Universe
- Rig Picture Database
- Shortwave Schedules
- Installing a G5RV Antenna
- Radio Reference Freq Info
- Antenna Search
- HF Band Layout