
Using the latest technologies, we are able to provide the highest quality video imagery.    Video formats up to 4k in most formats as well as high resolution stills.


FAA licensed using DJI Phantom 4 (N415AC) and Inspire 1 (N415UF) aircraft.



Local Weather

Station is a Ambient Weather WS-2000 with a Ecowitt GW-1000 driving custom Weather Display software and SteelSeries Gauges.


Amateur Radio - KC4MHH

An Extra Class ham, I have held my amateur license since 1966.

A member of ARRL and the Gainesville Amateur Radio Society

in Gainesville, Florida, where I assist the VE with testing sessions.


For more information on Amateur Radio, visit or


Other hams in the family are my son, Chris KG4NGR, sisters Vickie KF4LAF, and Cheryl KK4CNJ

Crime Prevention Security Systems and Custom Home Entertainment

4701 SW 34th Street; Gainesville, Florida

For over 40 years, the leader in providing protection from intrusion and fire, immediate response to emergency medical, and the latest technology in video surveillance and home entertainment.

Beginning in 1982, I have been with the company now for 39 years and presently serve as an account manager.   You may call me with any questions about home or business security, fire, medical, hold-up, cameras or even for that home entertainment or theatre system.   





















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